This weekend was time to start getting the yard cleaned up, which means raking leaves. But more than anything, I needed to cut down the remaining hostas on the sides of the house by the neighbor’s driveway. This was all mixed in between listening/watching the Packers game against the Dolphins.
The hostas didn’t take too long, but the leaves did. Normally I try to just bag everything with the lawn mower but there were just way too many leaves. I will say that one of the best decisions we made was putting up the fence. Since we had to move it in off the lot line because of electric lines, I have about four or five feet of property on the opposite side of the fence that I need to take care of. While raking leaves on that side of the fence, I also raked up a couple of plastic bags, a candy wrapper, a tennis ball, and a couple of balls of aluminum foil. That is stuff that would have been in my backyard without the fence. I really need to snap another picture of the garage next door... But I digress.
After the hostas were cut down, I needed to put the plastic window well covers on to try an minimize the amount of leaves that we get in there. They also help once the snow comes, especially when the snowblowing starts. By the time I had finished with the leaves and the hostas, etc. the Packers game was over and I really didn’t miss much.
I also reset all the mousetraps around the foundation of the house. I hadn’t caught any in a while, so I don’t know if that means it is getting too cold for the mice or if I have simply wiped them out. Though with the garbage dump next door, I am sure that I will have plenty more opportunities at killing mice. Lately it has only been moles that are being snapped in them, though I think if I had to guesstimate a total since summer, I would be in the neighborhood of 40-50 mice and moles caught.