Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Summer

It isn't officially over yet, but for all intensive purposes summer '11 is all done. Alison had her back to school fair last week Wednesday where we turned in all of her paperwork for the upcoming year and had her school picture taken. Sarah started WEB leader training on Monday and had her back to school fair today where she got her schedule, found out who her teachers will be, had her picture taken, paid fees, etc. Then Friday will be Jr. Indians night followed up by the first football game on Saturday. After that we drop things off at Shady Lane for Alison on Tuesady next week and school start on Thursday.

Where did the summer go?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wedding Day

Today is wedding day (not for me though) in the Hahn family. My cousin is getting married today in Milwaukee at 2:30, and my brother is getting married at 5:00 in Neenah. It will be busy around here today as we get ready. I need to wrap gifts, and help with hair since Kris is sick. I have already gone to get cold medicine as she wants to make it thru the day.

Unfortunately, we have had to amend our plans. We will not be attending my cousin's wedding. Originally we were planning on going to the ceremony in Milwaukee, and then driving up to Neenah for my brother's wedding. However, on a good day I figured we would have about 10-15 minutes to spare IF we had good traffic. However, with getting out of the city and the fact that there is construction on 41 going north, with our tight time schedule, I don't think we would never make it in time. If there were no construction, it would be tight, with the construction... no way. So we will be attending only my brother's wedding.

So now I just have to finish getting ready, however, with three women all trying to get dressed, get their hair done, etc... it is an ordeal. Sometimes I think having boys would have been much easier.

On The Market

Well Kris’s dad’s house went on the market today. I didn’t seem like this day would ever come. Hopefully it’ll get some offers quickly. I feel like it is a steal at what the asking price is. It was kind of sad. And the stagers that we hired have made the house look great. If Kris’s mom had done any of this updating when she was alive, maybe we’d have wanted to live there now. If you know anyone who is looking for a house....

Friday, August 19, 2011

More Deer

Last week Alison woke up to what she says was a loud scratching sound at about 11:00 PM. She went to the window and looked out and saw a deer in our backyard eating bark off of our large maple tree. I thought, no way. We went outside the next day and there were large scrape marks on the side of the tree and a few chunks of bark on the ground.

For a time earlier in the spring, Kris had been telling me that there was something eating one of her hibiscuses. She thought it was probably a deer But I didn’t think there was any way a deer would just be roaming around our backyard looking for flowers to eat. Looks like she was right.

After watching for a bit, the deer took off, jumping over the broken fence of the neighbor behind us. Looks like we’ll have to maybe start deer-proofing things.


I am getting a little tired of the look of the Hahnted House. Colors, header picture… all of it. Hopefully I will be able to redesign something in the coming days. It’s been a long time since I switched things up, I think it’s time for a new look

It's Been A Busy Summer

This summer has been quite an experience. We have kept very busy since the 4th of July with hardly any time to sit and take a breath.

So here is a quick summary of what has happened since then:

* Went to the July 3rd Independence Day Parade and Fireworks
* Moved Kris’s dad into an assisted living apartment
* Dealt with issues relating to Kris’s brother
* Got things in place to get Kris’s dad’s house sold (including getting quotes from contractors on work, cleaning, sorting, packing, among other things)
* Preparing for an estate sale
* Visiting Kris’s dad almost daily.
* A week at Girl Scout Camp for the girls
* Sarah doing preparation work for Girl Scout camp as a program assistant
* Tumbling classes for cheerleading for Sarah
* The start of cheerleading practice
* The girls’ birthdays (Sarah turned 13, Alison turned 9)
* Wisconsin Senatorial recall (yay Alberta Darling!)
* Neighbors moved out and new neighbors are moving in (this didn’t really affect us, just some good news)
* Brewers game (this was one of the more relaxing moments)
* School supply shopping
* School clothes shopping
* Painted and rearranged Sarah’s bedroom
* Returned bedroom furniture twice and had a “technician” come out and fix some flaws in her nightstand
* Got a glass top to go on top of Sarah’s furniture

So, you can see we’ve had our hands full. But now the estate sale is over, Kris’s dad is pretty well settled in at his apartment, and we are finishing up at the house so it can go on the market by the end of the week, I will (hopefully) finally have a few minutes a day to write a couple of lines of updates as to what we’re doing. I say hopefully because school starts in about two weeks and that means helping with homework and working a little bit later since I’ll be taking Alison to school for daycare a couple of times per week.