Sunday, April 26, 2015

Gift of the Holy Spirit

Today Sarah received a special gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit.  After all the religion classes we had sent her to over the years, she got confirmed.  I am not going to say much else about it since she doesn't really want me to.  I will just say we are very proud of her.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Second Shot at the ACT

Sarah had her second go round with the ACT yesterday.  She got her score from the first test a couple of weeks ago, but we thought she could take a second shot at it and see if she could improve on it.  Since the cost of the first one was covered by the school district this year, I told her that she could treat that as a practice test.  She can't do worse that that score, and at least now that she knows what it is like, she could be better prepared for this one.  Plus, she went though a prep course and when she took the first test, she hadn't finished it yet, so now with taking it once and being done with the prep course, she should have no trouble at all.

So when she got home I asked her how it was, how she thought she might have done, etc.  She said that she felt it was easier than the first time taking it, and the only part she thought she might have had trouble with was the writing/essay portion.  But that portion is optional (I think) so I don't think that will affect her score all that much.  But what I do know, is that the score she got the first time round is more than good enough to get into the schools she is looking at, at least at this point.  Maybe she'll decide to look at a school where a better score would help her out, but for the time being I think she's in pretty good shape.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Circle of Life

Last night as I was sitting and trying to relax after work, Kris decided to go pick things up them away upstairs.  All of a sudden she called down to me to go and look out the window.  There was a bunch of things floating down thru the air, and when I looked up, there was a hawk sitting on a branch of one of the trees going to town on a bird.  Kris said she saw what she thought were big pieces of ash floating in the air and she thought there was a fire somewhere nearby.  Then as she looked closer, she saw that it was small, fluffy feathers.  After she realized what it was she saw the hawk. 

Sarah wasn't home, but Ali got a look at it.  As it was eating the bird, it was pulling all the feathers out.  At first it was all the small fluffy feathers, but soon the big feathers started falling (presumably from the wings).  Then I noticed that it was right above the patio table.  I just kept thinking that in the morning I would be cleaning up blood guts that were all over the table.  Luckily the next day there were just lots of feathers around and a bird head in the lawn.  It was a grackle, so I didn't feel bad at all. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rough Winter for Shrubs

While I was busy raking the lawn I happened to notice a couple of shrubs that I planted late last year were not in such great shape.  Kris got them from one of her cancer patients as a "thank you" for helping out her husband.  They own a greenhouse/nursery so as a gift, she gave us a couple of small honey berry plants.  It was late in the year and we really didn't have much of a place to plant them, so after some discussion, we decided to put them in the corner of the backyard with the intention of making a small "garden patch" there with a little birm, maybe a birdbath and feeder, in the spring.  But when I was raking, I noticed that they had been chewed down over the winter, probably by a rabbit, or maybe a deer.  

I wasn't sure that they'd live, but the last time I was back there I noticed new leaves sprouting, even from the stubs that were just poking out of the ground.  So hopefully I'll be able to nurture them back.

That brings me to the barberry bushes in the front.  a couple were half dead from last year, and I wasn't sure that they'd make it through the winter.  But they did.  Now I just need to see what sort of new growth starts this spring.  I can already see some new shoots coming off the main stems of the shrub.  So I am hopeful that they can come back.  I really don't want to have to dig them up and try to replace them.  At least it wasn't as bad a winter as last year.  I think if it had been as cold as the year before they'd definitely be dead right now.  As it warms up, I will really need to start doing some fertilizing, and pruning to get them to perk up.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We're Time Warner People Now

It's official.  As of last Thursday, we are Time Warner Cable (soon to be Charter Cable) customers.  I really pained me to switch, but We were looking too cut some money off of the bill and AT&T Uverse just wouldn't deal with us. So it was time for a change.

So far the biggest thing has been getting all of our email and online accounts updated.  it really is a pain to change everything.  I wish there was a way to update them all at once. Plus, I think there is an issue with the new email servers.  I seem to be able to get emails, but sending them is another story.  Plus, there are emails that show up when checking on our phones, but won't download to the desktops/laptops.  So I have that to figure out yet.

In addition, I have to say that I really don't like the remote that comes along with the cable box.  It is too big, and has way too many buttons that we rarely use.  The Uverse remote was much more user-friendly.  I'm also not happy with the voicemail that comes with our phone service.  

I will say that with the new cable service, the HD picture seems to be much better quality.  And we don't have quite the problem with losing the signal.  When the technician was setting up our service, he explained that with all the devices connecting at once, it will have a definite affect on the bandwidth use, which is probably why we kept losing the signal with Uverse.  Computers, phones, TVs, The Wii (for Netflix) and Ali's Kindle (also for the connection to Netflix) all running simultaneously will affect the speed/signal.  But since we upgraded to cable, we have a faster service/more bandwidth, so that should no longer be a problem, which is a bonus for us.

We do have to deal with only being able to record two shows at once, instead of four, and if we are recording two shows at the same time, we have to watch one of those shows, which sort of defeats the purpose of recording two shows at once (unless of course we go in the basement and watch the other TV). 

So I assume we'll have a learning curve as we get used to things, as well as having to deal with somethings that are better, while other things might not be.  But in the long run, I think as long as we're saving money, we'll be able to live it.  

The next thing I have to figure out now is our cell phone plan.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wasted Weekend

Every year it seems like I have to waste one whole weekend in the spring because I have to get the yard cleaned up.  And that entails raking/thatching the lawns getting all the chunks of bark and branches that broke off over the winter cleaned up, and cleaning out the gutters. 

At first I didn't think I'd be able to get it done this weekend due to the amount of rain we got the last few days, but the weekend was actually pretty warm and dry (relatively speaking).  I started out just wanting to get a few spots raked, but it eventually led to me doing the whole front lawn, or at least the majority of it on Saturday, in addition to the upper half of the backyard.  Then on Sunday I finished the rest.  After the raking was done I thought I should take a look at the gutters since all the little red buds began falling last week.  At first I didn't think I needed to, and then I remembered I put strainers in the downspout openings last fall to keep them from clogging up with leaves.  But that also keeps the buds from washing down.  All of the gutters (mainly in the back and on the garage, the front gutters weren't too bad) were half full with buds.  Instead of washing them down, I thought I would just grab the shop vac and vacuum them out.  It worked pretty well, except that they were water logged, so they weighed a ton.  I think the final weight of the bag after emptying the shop vac was in the neighborhood of 60 pounds.  That was a drag hauling it up and down the ladder.  And while I know it is something that needs to be done, I just wish I didn't have to spend all my off time working on it.

But at least it's done.  And I have to say that after raking the yard looks so much better after the snow all melts and everything is matted down.  Granted, my grass isn't the best, I think a lot has to do with the crummy soil I have to work with, but it is better that it would e otherwise.  Now I just need to get a little seed down, some fertilizer, and get ready to fire up the mower.  Summer is almost here!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Brace Face

For the next two years (minimum) Alison will be wearing braces.  About two months ago, she lost a tooth (she now has only one baby tooth left) and when I say lost, I mean it was pulled by the orthodontist.  It was practically out but neither she, nor I could get a hold of it and get it out, and since she was going to the orthodontist the next day, I figured he could just yank it (which he did).  And afterwards he told her she was ready for braces.  While I was in St. Louis she got her molds made, and today she got them put on.

Luckily, Sarah took a before and after picture for me, because I forgot.  The after picture obviously is not a problem, it is the before that I forgot.  But like I said, Sarah remembered and took a picture for me.  So this is her before.  Take a good look, because it is the last you will see of her teeth without braces until there is a new President in the White House.

The photo quality could have been better, but it's a phone, so what are you going to do?  Anyway, about an hour later, this is what she looked like:

Her mouth ached for the first day or so, and now we need to find food she can eat that won't interfere with her braces, and also won't make her teeth hurt any more than they already do.  So hopefully she'll get used to them quickly.

Friday, April 3, 2015

First College Visit

We were up early today to get on the road to Green Bay.  No not a Packers game, we were going to visit UW-Green Bay.  This is our first visit to colleges, and I don't know exactly how excited Sarah is about it.  She was acting rather ambivalent.  Maybe it was just that she didn't want to go there with Kris and me.  

But we had a pretty good tour.  The campus is very nice, the buildings and classrooms are very modern.  Even the dorms are more like apartments than your traditional dormitories.  And everything is located no more than a 5-10 minute walk as long as you're on campus.  

The guy who talked about the program Sarah wants to get into was really informative.  He made it seem like he was really interested in making sure that the students succeed and that he (or any of the other professors/advisers) make sure that you are on the right track to get your degree finished and onto the field you want to work in in four years.  The thing is that I think what Sarah wants to get into would take at a minimum a Masters degree.  But if she could get out with a BS in four years that would be extremely helpful.  Plus I think she could make some very good contacts that could help direct her.  

But this is just the first college, but it did seem really nice.  Plus there is a program that they started at UWGB for all incoming freshmen to slowly introduce them to college life that will give them a full, well-rounded college experience (yes, that's their "college-speak" for the program).  What they also do, if I am understanding it correctly, is require a minor as well as a major.  So that could be something interesting.

So the next places we have to go look at is UW-LaCrosse, and UW-Milwaukee.  Madison also has the program she wants, but I'm not sure it's worth going there to check out.  We'll also probably have to go back to UWGB.  I think Sarah would like to see the classroom and biology labs where she'd be working.  We didn't get to go through that building on our tour.  But at least we have started the process.