
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The 2011 Jack O'Lanterns

First, please note that this is being posted a year late, and I am backdating it to fit into place in my timeline of events.

As I was putting up pictures of my Jack O'Lanterns from 2012, I realized that I never posted pictures of the 2011 ones.  So first let me apologize.  I won't get that into describing things since this is a year after the fact, but here are the 2011 Hahn Halloween pumpkins.

Ali really liked the funny Frankenstein face, so even though we had done it previously, she wanted me to carve it again.

Sarah thought this one was cool.  I thought it was going to be lame, but it turned out better than I thought. I think it's all in the spooky eyes.

Kris tried to find a spooky one, and this is what she came up with.  I think it was a combination of a couple of jack o'lanterns that she came across.

And finally mine.  I tried to make it look like it was on fire with flames coming out of its eyes and mouth.  Not great, but not bad.

Overall, my evaluation is, they were jack o'lanterns, and did the job.  But not the best I have ever done by far.

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