We found out last night that Alison didn't do any tumbling at tumbling practice. Why? Well it's because she rolled an ankle during warm ups. When she got home she wasn't able to put any weight on it, but it wasn't really bruised at all. I thought she might be babying it a little but gave her the benefit of the doubt. So in the morning when she got up she couldn't put ANY weight on it. After discussing it, we thought that there may be a hairline fracture or something that was causing the pain and there would be no way of use knowing it. So to be on the safe side we decided that we should get it x-rayed. Kris took her to the doctor, and after examining her and ordering an x-ray she said that it was just a soft tissue injury/sprain. So Ali got a walking boot that she'll have to wear for the next week to keep it relatively immobile. That means no cheerleading, or tumbling for the next week either. Now the hard part is going to be making sure that Alison follows directions and stays off it.
As a side note, the doctor who checked Alison out was the same one who blew the diagnosis of her broken collar bone when she was four. Unfortunately she was the doctor on call and that is who we were stuck with. Kris has a story about her checking out Ali, but since I wasn't there I am not going to try and describe it second-hand. If you want to hear about it, ask her.
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