Friday, July 14, 2017

WTF U-Haul

As Kris was looking over the checking account entries online she noticed one marked as pending for U-Haul.  I though, no, that can’t be right.  We closed that last month.  So I went back and looked at June’s statement, yep, there was a charge for U-Haul.  We had emptied out the Storage container in LaCrosse right before our month was up and the account was supposed to have been closed.  Apparently, the same person who “reserved” my storage locker also “closed” my account there.

That resulted in me calling U-Haul to find out what the hell the deal was and why I was giving them $200 of my hard earned money now?  Amazingly, when I called the number, I didn’t get someone at the national switchboard (which is what usually happens).  I actually got the manager of the site in LaCrosse.  I asked him about the charges and explained that they had now charged me for two months when I didn’t have anything stored there with them.  Of course he apologized and gave me a story about how it is a crazy time of year with college students moving things in and out and someone must have forgotten to close the account when they moved the container back into place. Not really my problem, now is it?

He said he would be crediting back the charges to my account and I should see them show up in a day or two, but if I didn’t to call back.  Well you can bet I will.  I swear, this whole ordeal was like an episode of Seinfeld.  I hope I don’t ever have to do this again.