
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Electric Work

Today brought good news and bad news.  The good news is that I think we’ve settled on an electrician to get the wiring fixed in the kitchen.  The bad news is, well it will require more waiting.

The first electrician came out on Monday to look things over and give me a quote on what it would take to do all the work I wanted done.  WOW!  I was not expecting things to be as costly as they ended up being.  Then the second guy called and I asked him if he could come out and go over things.  I was simply going to plan on the first place and pay thru the nose as a “this is what it costs” type of thing.  I wasn’t planning on mush with the second electrician.  But he quoted me about half to do the same work.  AND he said he would be able to start tomorrow.  Again, we were going to have to wait a little bit to get things finished as he said it would be easier for him to put in the outlets once the tiling and everything was in and finished.  But he was going to get all the boxes and wiring in place, and said it would take him about half a day.  BOOM!  Done!  Now I just need to wait for that replacement panel to get here and we can get everything set in place.  But at least we’ll have light in the kitchen and switches that work!

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