Friday I had breakfast with Sarah at school. Apparently for the past three years the principal has held a breakfast for the 6th 7th and 8th graders who made the honor roll. Boy, what a big deal that was. Sarah finished her first semester with a 4.0 so she got invited, but so did about another 200 kids, and then there was at least one parent with everyone. I was the only one who could go because someone had to stay home and get Alison on the bus for school, so unfortunately, Kris chose to do that.

The Superintendent of the district gave a short speech and there was also a short talk by a couple of members of the Milwaukee Wave encouraging the students to always strive to do their best, comparing schoolwork to playing soccer. Hey, what else are they going to do. Sarah will get to go to a Wave game on St. Patricks Day as a reward for being an honor student too.

On the down side, I was able to see what kind of food they have to deal with in the school cafeteria... YUCK!
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