On the 6th, I took Kris out for her birthday. It was like pulling teeth! I had been planning a little get together at a club to see a local band and have a few drinks and food with some of Kris’s best friends from HS, or at the very least from quite some time ago. It was just something I threw together about two weeks before. In fact, Kris didn’t want to go. She kept saying that she didn’t want to go, she would rather just stay home, until one of the girls let it slip that Missy was going as well. I suppose she felt like she had to then. Luckily I was able to surprise her by inviting a couple of her friends whom she hasn’t seen in quite some time. I felt bad because there was one person who we haven’t seen in close to 10 years that I was able to track down about (2) days before and she and her husband already had plans and were going to be out of town.

We stayed out until almost midnight. It was actually a pretty good time. The only bad part is that I think I caught Kris’s cold and I was feeling just terrible the whole night.
Sarah spent the night babysitting Alison. This was pretty much their first time home alone at night. Ali was pretty bummed out and didn’t want us to go, but we eventually convinced her that Sarah knew what she was doing and we let them stay up as late as they wanted, and pulled out the sofa sleeper for them to watch TV.
So the music was good, company was good, and the kids were good. Not a bad way to celebrate being 40.
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