I reset the trap, and again, within a day I had another chipmunk. I reset it again, but this time, the trap was tripped without anything inside. After looking at the trap, I figured that something must have gotten inside that was big enough to steal the peanuts, but still small enough to fit through the bars of the trap. The obvious culprit? A mouse.
The next thing to do was to set some mouse traps. When I checked the traps i the morning, i had two mice snapped in the traps. I was on my way to work, so I just left them. I figured they weren't going anywhere, right? By the time I got home to toss the dead bodies, I discovered that the body of one mouse was now gone. Oh sure, the head was still in the trap, but everything below the neck was gone. I don't know what happened to it, because in the morning when I checked, it had a body. Something obviously came along and ate the part that was hanging out of the trap.
So far in the last two weeks, I have trapped 5 chipmunks, killed (3) mice and (1) mole. This was the latest prisoner that was captured today and released this evening.:
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