So we spent the afternoon decorating the Christmas tree. Alison couldn't wait, so I brought up the bins with the ornaments and she started pulling them out setting everything up so when Kris got home from work we could start.

Even Sarah decided to set her ornaments up:

We ended up spending about an hour and a half doing their ornaments, I started putting on mine and Kris's. As you can see with the tree in the corner, we lose a good portion of ornament hanging area, so with all the ornaments the girls have, we (Kris and I) left off at least half of ours.

And finally, after a little more than two hours, Alison ended the decorating by hiding the pickle.

Here is the finished tree... Not bad. I think we've had better, but I'll live with it.

Maybe it'll look better with snow outside and presents underneath.
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