Monday, July 2, 2012

Guitartown - Waukesha

We were looking for something to do last Sunday afternoon since our schedules were pretty much free for a change, so I asked Kris and the girls if they wanted to drive out to see the Gibson Guitartown displays.  Gibson Guitars is sponsoring an art project this summer in Waukesha, Les Paul's hometown, that will feature 30 painted guitars that will be on display for the next three years.  There will be 10, 10 ft. tall displays outside in Downtown Waukesha and then another 20 playable guitars at various business in downtown Waukesha.

Playing the guitars would be cool if I knew how to play them, so we decided we'd just drive out and look at the displays they had around town.  I printed out the map to drive around and find them all, but in the end we only saw 7 of the 10.  I have no idea where the other three were, but they weren't where the map said they were.  We could have driven around more, but it was 90ish degrees and all the starting and stopping was a little annoying.  Normally I would have just parked and we would have walked through the downtown, but like I said, it was just way too hot.

"Carlos y la rana Azteca"

"The Gilded Garden"

"The Founder"

"Meow, Meow, Moon, Meow"

"Red Hot Red"

"Harmonious Heronymouse Bush of Beasts"


The girls liked the "Gilded Garden" and "The Founder" best, followed up by the Hummingbird one.  It's amazing the cool things that are right in our own backyard.

If you want to see all the guitars, even the playable ones that are housed inside business around downtown Waukesha, go to the link above and click on their Flickr page.