Thursday, August 23, 2012

High School Registration

Sarah had her high school registration today.  I am not quite sure what I was expecting, but it seemed to go smoothly.  We spent a lot of time looking for Sarah's locker, and then we had to go see her adviser/counselor because they didn't give Sarah a study hall.  She is taking four honors courses this semester and I don't think she is going to be able to handle the workload with cheerleading practice three or four times a week without having a study hall to work on some of her homework.  Luckily, the counselor was able to move her schedule around without too much trouble, and now she is going to start off the day with a study hall.  I guess there is good and bad with having it first period, but at least she gets one now.

So now there is only about a week until school starts.  It's hard to believe she is going to be in high school.  It seems like we were just seeing her off to kindergarten.