Monday, December 10, 2012

2012 Christmas Tree

As I do every year, this is the 2012 Hahn family Christmas tree.  It's much like it is every year, just moving around the ornaments a little bit.

This year I made sure that Kris put on all of her/our ornaments first.  The last few years by the time the girls got finished putting on all of their ornaments we had limited space for ours.  So this year, I told the girls that they were going to have to decide which ones they wanted to put on and which ones stayed in the box. 

This year I also put on an even 2000 lights.  I only had to throw out three strings for having lights out.  I think that after Christmas this year, I am going to go see if I can find some LEDs for the after Christmas, clearance prices, but I have to find ones that have the yellowish glow, not the bright bluish-white ones.  I want to have that warm glow without the heat, or the blinding light.  Like this:

There is just something about that glow that makes the season.