Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Another Year Over

As of last week Thursday, another school year is on the books.  Well, actually as of Friday.  Friday Ali had a half a day of school and Sarah had to go take her final in PhyEd, which consisted of sitting on the bleachers for 90 minutes.  

Sarah will be a sophomore next year, and Ali will be starting middle school.  The ceremony that Ali had was nice, but I still liked Sarah's ceremony for completing 5th grade at Riverside better.  Maybe it was because I knew all the teachers and the principal by name there so it seemed more personal to me.  Ever since Alison got moved over to Shady Lane with the redistricting I just didn't really feel like a part of the school.  Ali's teachers were all very nice, and I think she learned a lot, but there was just something that didn't feel quite right.  But that's all over now, and on to 6th grade.  I think we have another week off before the girls start up with activities and cheer, so it'll be a short vacation.

And as always, I took the girls' picture on the final day of school.