Thursday, September 19, 2013

MFHS Open House

Last night we had the annual open house at the high school.  We didn't go last year because Sarah was having a fit about us going, so we decided to just skip it.  This year thought we decided we should go.  We had to take the girls to tumbling practice for cheer anyway, so we thought as long as we were there we'd go though things.  

It started with an address by the principal for about 15 minutes, and then we went though Sarah's schedule, hitting all of her classes.  We spent about 10 minutes in each of her classes and the whole thing only took two hours.  We didn't talk to any teachers directly, it was more like each teacher took their time to go over the class syllabus and address one or two questions if there were any.  Then it was on to the next class.  All of her teachers seem pretty good.  We'll have to see how things are going when it comes to conferences.  I don't think Sarah should have any problems.