Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Taking Down The Tree

I was going to leave the tree up this year until the feast of the Epiphany (you really should leave it up until then) but I just wasn't going to have the time to take it down after the 6th for about a week after, and I just couldn't imagine having to deal with the Christmas tree until the middle of January.  Plus, I really wanted to get the house back in order.  So I started taking things down about mid-morning today. 

In the past the tree came down much faster than it took to put up.  But since we had a mix of ornaments this year, it took forever to find the boxes for the ones we used mixed up with ones we didn't.  So by the time the tree was down and everything was put away and put back to the way things were pre-Thanksgiving, it was about 8:00 PM.  That was about four hours longer than I had anticipated.  Maybe next year I'll leave it up until the 6th.

I had to replace four strings of lights this year, and I didn't see any plain, clear, white lights in the stores after Christmas.  So now I don't have any spare strings for next year.  There had better not be any lights that just happen to go out in the box over the summer, though I am sure I can get replacements next year.  I just don't like being held up when it is time to get the tree up and decorated.