Monday, February 24, 2014

Driving Progress

Sarah has her first driving lesson with the official instructor this weekend, Saturday to be exact.  I have been letting he drive around town whenever I need to go someplace, like the grocery store, or to go check on Kris's dad.  She is getting better.  I think she is getting more comfortable behind the wheel.  Her turns are getting a little better but she still needs to work on her speed control.  She tends to speed up and then slow down, speed up and slow down.  I think it will come with practice.

I took her out yesterday and let her just drive around town for about an hour and a half.  I even took her out on the country roads where she could get up to 55, and took her through a roundabout.  I figured that with all the stupid roundabouts the state has installed (is that the right word) lately, she needed to know how to go through them.  I asked her and she said that it was something that they didn't teach in driver's ed.  Maybe I'll think about taking her out on the highway soon.  I noticed one other thing too.  She tends to drift in her lane.  We start on the left, then go all the way to the right, then back to the left.  I'm not sure how to handle that yet.  We'll see what happens after her lesson Saturday.