Today Alison turns twelve. No party, no fanfare, just a few gifts and some cake. Since Alison was still recovering from having her friends sleepover and staying up all night, we let her sleep in, which was until about 10:30. She opened her gifts, and then we went to do a little shopping to use some of the gift cards that she got from her friends.
While we were out we went to get some lunch, and we let Alison pick where we went. Kris mentioned something to the waitress about it being Alison's birthday, and when it came time to leave, the waitress surprised us with a complimentary piece of cake for the birthday girl.
Unfortunately, we had to end our fun early because Ali had to go to cheer practice. But before she left, we made sure we had cake.
Hopefully, the cake didn't make her feel too full while she was working on her routine.
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