I remember seeing things in cartoons when I was little about how moths would eat clothes in closets, or come flying out of places that were never used when doors were opened, such as an attic, or a basement. Well I never thought I would actually be experiencing it. Every now and then we see a moth in the house, and it usually ends up getting in because someone left a door open to long when entering, or leaving the house. They tend to congregate around the porch (or actually a better description is the stoop) lights. So it would make sense that if you left the door open, one or two might just fly in.
A couple of weeks ago one of the cats caught sight of one flying thru the room and starting chasing it around the house. I killed it and didn't think anything more of it. Until it seemed as if we were killing one or two moths a day. And it wasn't just in the kitchen by the back door, it was in the basement, the living room, upstairs, etc. It seemed like every time you turned around, there was another moth.
Kris finally went and ordered some moth traps. The look like miniature versions of those purple triangles that were used a couple of years ago to catch (or at least look for) the emerald ash borer. So they have been placed in corners around the house. So far, we haven't "trapped" any and we've killed about another 10 or so. I have no idea where they are coming from. We did have the cable guy have to drill a hole to get the cable into the house, maybe that didn't seal right? The actual number has gone down, so hopefully that's the end of them (or very near the end of them).
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