Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Hahn Summer Tour 2015

The Hahn Summer Tour moves on.  We've already visited UWM, UW-LaCrosse, and made a second visit to UWGB.  This weekend we'll be braving the heat and humidity to visit MSOE.  I'm actually not sure the major they have there will appeal to Sarah at all, biomolecular engineering.  But the description of the program sounded interesting and it dealt with a lot of research, so I thought we should check it out, if for no other reason than to rule it out.  It isn't like we have to pay to visit, right?

Then next week we'll be hitting up the flagship of the UW system, Madison, and the following Tuesday we'll be taking a stroll around my alma mater, Marquette.  Though with what MU is doing lately, I am not sure I would want Sarah going there.  Plus, with the crime rate in Milwaukee, I don't know if I want to send my child into that cesspool (and that applies to MSOE too).  But I suppose it doesn't hurt to check it out.  

There are also a couple of small private colleges that have been sending Sarah literature, Concordia, and Wisconsin Lutheran.  We don't have plans to check them out yet, I think they might be a little too small for Sarah's liking.  That was why we didn't stop and check out Viterbo in LaCrosse when we were up there.  But maybe if we can squeeze it in, it wouldn't hurt to make a trip to check them out.  Maybe I'll make up a tour t-shirt for her.