Every year around this time we have ended up taking the
girls shopping for their school supplies.
And every year we would buy everything off the respective “approved
supply list” that the school provides as well as getting a few extras for later
in the year (notebooks, binders, erasers, etc...) because inevitably someone
would run out and would always need more of something. However, in doing so we have accumulated a
large storage bin of school supplies in the basement. So before we went this year, we decided to
actually go thru the bin and sort what was in there and figure out what could
be used so we knew what Alison actually needed and what she didn’t (and what
Sarah could take with her to college).
WOW! There was A LOT of stuff.
Unfortunately, a lot of what we had the girls wouldn’t (or
won’t) use anymore. Things like plastic
pencil boxes, wooden #2 pencils, wide ruled loose leaf paper, and fabric book
covers. So we ended up making a couple
of piles, things to donate to backpack supply drives, and things to keep. We had much more in the donate pile, for
sure. The good thing is that at least it
won’t go to waste if we donate it to a school supply drive. Or we may donate some things to a couple of
friends who are teachers. They can
always use supplies for the classroom.
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