Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cookie Books

As stated, today was the annual WE Energies cookie book hand out. So Kris and I piled into the car to drive down to Miller Park.  I don’t ever remember seeing anything about this cook book in my time in the Milwaukee area.  I have lived down here pretty much since 1991 when I decided to stop coming home for the summers while in college.  I only remember seeing the cookie book give away in the last couple of years, though Kris says she remembers it back to when she was little.  In fact, when her mom passed away and we were cleaning out her parents’ house when we moved her dad into assisted living, she came across several old cookie books from the ‘70s.  I’m not sure if either of the girls will want to have them when we’re dead and gone, but it will be sort of like when we cleaned out Kris’s parents’ house.  They’ll just sort of find them and then need do decide if they want to keep them. 

We ended up going thru the line a couple of times, because we get one copy to send my mom, and maybe one for one of her friends in Florida.  And this year, we won’t have to send it, we can deliver it personally since we’ll be spending Christmas in the south this year.  We also grab one copy for us, one for each girl, and we’ll try to grab at least one extra one in case someone we know would like one.  I will say that people in Milwaukee love to get their stuff for free!!!