Tuesday, January 17, 2017

More Saturn Problems

It was time to take the Saturn in to have the oil changed, or at least so I thought.  After making the appointment I went back to look and I had it done in November, so I still had a month to go.  Apparently with Sarah being home for semester break though, we had hit the mileage threshold, or were about to.  So while they were in doing the oil, I asked them to look things over, because I was seeing spots on the driveway under Sarah’s car.  I wasn’t sure what kind of fluid it was, all I could tell is that it was fluid.  My first thought was coolant, but the coolant level looked to be OK, so I thought I would just let the mechanic tell me what was wrong. 

It turns out that there isn’t a leak at all, there are MANY leaks.  He told me that there were small leaks coming from the steering fluid, brake fluid, cooling lines, a little oil…  pretty much everything had a little leak and it was all mixing together to make one big leak.  He wasn’t even sure where to begin with fixing it.  His advice was to just drive it, and check on a weekly basis to make sure the fluid levels were all still OK.  That would be the cheapest thing to do rather than having to spend a lot of money to fix everything. 

So we go on…  Though having to deal with oil spots all over the driveway is going to make me insane.