Sunday, February 12, 2017

Back On Track, Or Time To Stop?

While sitting around Sunday night relaxing waiting to get ready to go back to Wisconsin my father mentioned that he hadn’t seen anything on my blog in quite some time. I told him that yes, I know, I have been slacking off. Time just seems to be tight with everything else going on at work, and home that by the time I am able to sit down and type out what is happening in our lives, I just feel too tired. My mind set is, I’ll get to it tomorrow. The only problem is that tomorrow, I feel just as tired by the time I get around to being able to sit down. And so the cycle continues.

But rest assured, I make my notes about everything that is happening. In fact I have a list of between 30 and 50 things I need to finish writing. I only hope I don’t forget too much by the time I can sit down and write it out. Since I use my blog as sort of a snapshot/diary of what is happening in our lives, I want to be able years from now, to either download it digitally, or print it out somehow so we have a record of what happened to us when. I am sure I’ll have Kris tell me I am wrong with a lot, because she remembers something differently, well, that’s just too bad.