One of my “to do” items for the summer is going to be
ripping out the barberry bushes in front of the house. But until I can get it done, I need to get
them at least trimmed back. Right now
they are totally out of control, so I spent about 5 hours today with the shears
cutting them back (and the yews and arbor vitaes too). WOW! I
got two yard bags full of branches. And I
also found out that after cutting some of the stuff back, there are a lot of
dead spots, and now that I cut things back, they are pretty visible.
There must have been a rabbit that was living under one
of the arbor vitaes because there is a great big spot with missing
boughs/branches that you can see now. It
makes me wonder if I should really dig out the barberries now. Overall, the trimming they got is the
equivalent to giving a hippie a crew cut.
Now I just need to block out some time to cut them off at the trunk and
dig out the roots.
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