Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kwik Trip Update

This year with being in charge of concessions for the Indian Invite Cheer Competition at the Falls, we were looking for ways to cut some of our expenses.  In the past it didn’t look like we ever asked for any sort of sponsorship, or corporate donations, so this year we thought we’d see if we could get any concession contributions.  Last year we had quite an ordeal trying to make coffee in the large percolators that the high school had in the kitchen.  This year, my initial thought was asking someplace to donate a few gallons of coffee that we could sell.  I didn’t want to do Starbucks (because I am not a fan) so I thought I would ask Kwik trip, my favorite morning convenience store.  I found that they had a special page on their website where you could request donations.  Unfortunately, I had problems with submitting the request.  To make a long story short we couldn’t get coffee, but we could request bakery items (donuts, muffins, etc.).  And after talking to a manager of our local store, I was routed to a corporate person who helped me get the request input and fast track it so we could have a decision before the event.  After a couple of weeks not hearing anything, I sent the woman from Kwik trip a request for an update and she was nice enough to get right back to me.  So we got our request approved, although not a specific amount or item(s).  Kwik Trip is going to be giving us a $125 gift card to use toward items from one of their stores.  The plan is to go with bakery items.  Yummy!  Thank you Kwik Trip!  That’s one less thing to worry about.