Saturday, January 12, 2019

Greenfield X-treme

Today was supposed to be Alison’s first cheerleading competition since their performance at Waukesha South.  I was looking forward to seeing how they are since they have had about a month now to work with their “alternate” who has taken over for the girl who was suspended.  Additionally, I wanted to see the changes to the routine.  They need to start getting some experience with their routine in a competition setting to prepare for Nationals in a month.  Unfortunately, they had to scratch today’s competition.  One of their girls (a flyer) came down with the flu and has a 103 fever, and unfortunately, they don’t have an alternate to take her place.  So the choices were to perform minus one girl, or just pull out of the competition and focus on the next one, which is what they did. 

I feel bad because my mother was driving down just to see her compete and then has to find out that it has to be canceled.  I guess on the plus side, that left an afternoon to sit around and visit, instead of sitting in a gym listing to music that could rival the sound of a jet landing.