Saturday, February 2, 2019

2nd Place

In preparation for the UCA Nationals (not exactly) Alison had her Brookfield Blast cheer competition today.  The team always (or at least always has) attended this competition, and it just so happens to be the week before Nationals, so it serves as a good warm up.  I will say that this is the competition I absolutely loathe.  That is because this is a competition that last the entire day.  I think the competition starts off at around 9:00 AM, and because there are so many teams that do it, there are several sessions.  Part of the reason is that they include individual cheer routines and stunt groups.  It takes FOREVER!!!!  It is the equivalent of a dance competition doing individual solo routines.  This year there were three sessions, and we were in the final one.  Oh, and Brookfield always “honors” their seniors since it is their last competition, and they do a big thing for all the seniors too.  It really does make things take forever!

This year there were something like 4 or 5 teams in Ali’s division, and they weren’t bad.  There were a couple of flaws/mistakes with their routine, but there was another team (I am not going to name them) who ended up being better.  I can’t say that I disagreed with the results.  I was hoping that I missed something or there was something that the judges saw that your average spectator would say, “huh”?  But no.  So congratulations girls!  Let’s build on this and go tear it up at Disney!