Sarah didn’t have time to enjoy her stocking though since she had volunteered to help with the annual Riverside PTA Breakfast with Santa. I got the driveway cleared (yes it snowed again.. more on that later) and got her over to school. She was helping with wrapping gifts from Santa’s Shop. The kids who come to the breakfast get the chance to go to “Santa’s workshop” and buy little gifts for their parents, siblings, etc. They are generally little trinkets that only cost a few dollars, but it’s the thought right? The kids are usually excited just to be able to give a gift. But Sarah and a couple of her friends would help the children put their presents in gift bags and tag them for whoever was getting them. She did a very good job and had fun too.
That was over at 10:15 so from their we made the trek to the mall to see Santa and tell him what the girls wanted from him this year as well as get the annual picture on Santa’s lap. One of these days I need to put all the Santa pictures on one page. It really is amazing to see how the girls have grown over the years. Kris mentioned that this year Alison has lost her “little girl look” and after looking at the picture, I have to agree. It makes me sad.

But after the Santa stop, we did a little shopping. The girls had gift certificates that they got for their birthdays that we finally got around to using. When that was done and we had stopped at home to put things away and have something to eat, we had to run around to make sure that Santa had the stuff in his bag that the girls had asked for. Boy, what a fiasco that was! Details to come shortly.
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