Monday, October 7, 2013

Binge Watching

Now that Breaking Bad is over, I need to find a new show to watch.  I was on some serious binge viewing of Breaking Bad over the last month or so.  I downloaded the first four and a half seasons and watched them all in the course of a month before getting on the last 7 episodes.  I finished up the Friday before Breaking Bad had the series finale.  I did the same thing a year or so ago when I was recovering from my hernia surgery where I watched two seasons worth of The Walking Dead in four days (Season four starts this weekend, so mark your calendars).

So now, I need a new show.  In a way, I prefer the binge watch where I get all the episodes back to back so I don't have to wait a week or so in between shows.  I am thinking of Hell On Wheels.  I have heard some good things about it, and since there have only been three seasons, I should be caught up relatively quickly.  I have always wanted to see Deadwood too.  I think there were only three seasons of that show.  

But if you have any other suggestions please let me know.