Today I got my second job offer. Last week, I got an offer from the plastics company I had interviewed at and as I was interviewing at another company. I called the second company to ask what their timeline was because I had another job offer on the table that I was seriously considering. I think this set the wheels in motion at company #2 because they told me that they would check my references and educational background and that if everything looked good they would make me an offer on Monday. Well, that offer arrived this afternoon.
So Kris and I sat down and went over the pros and cons of each job. I think I have decided that I am going to go after the first one. I have to see if I can negotiate a little more salary-wise and get a little more vacation time to start with. And then if they don't want to budge, maybe I go back to company #2 and see if they will sweeten the pot. I am 95% sure I am going to accept the job at the first company, but if something happens, I'll always have job #2 to fall back on.
Then will come the difficult job, turning in my notice at my current job. One guy I work with told me to be prepared for work to tell me to pack up my things and go. I would hope they wouldn't do that, but just in case they do, I need to make sure that the new place knows I may be able to start sooner than later.
I have a call scheduled tomorrow to discuss things with the VP of the plastics company. So keep your fingers crossed for me.
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