Tuesday night we had to go to the River Valley Service Unit Achievement Award ceremony. This is essentially the same thing as the Girl Scout award ceremony that we attended the week before, but specific for the Menomonee Falls scouts. Which is actually something I had wondered about when Sarah was still active. We went to one when she got her Bronze Award in fifth grade, but after that there was never another one until this year, which has been five years now.
I had asked Kris about it and she said it was because no one had wanted to "step up" and take over the responsibility for putting it together. So why was this year different? I think it was because this year there was a troop that was graduating high school, and there aren't a lot of troops that make it all the way to the senior year of HS. But then I found out who was in that troop. Apparently, one of the leaders in that troop is also a big deal in the GS council/service unit and has a daughter in that troop. So naturally they would want to have some sort of "celebration" for their child.
So we went reluctantly. A lot of the "bad feelings" come from some of the people who were going to be there and running things. They were the ones who ruined the camp experience for the girls (at least our girls) and the reason that Alison is not going back to the girl scout camp they have gone to since they started in girl scouts. I wondered if there was any sort of resentment on their part since they know that there were complaints made about how they ran camp and they know who made them, but I figured it was only about an hour, and I didn't have to talk to anyone.
We were also not able to get a whole lot of pictures, because some of the other parents and organizers were being a little bit rude with pushing their way forward to get their photos and screw the rest of us. Which is another reason I hate going to these events.
And one thing I didn't like was how Ali's troop was just sort of glossed over for the HS troop. At the Council award ceremony, the leaders there made quite a big deal about the girls' project and how it was recognized as one of the National Young Woman of Distinction Award. But here it was just sort of glossed over. I think there should have been more attention paid to their achievement. But then again, I should have considered who was running the program. We're still very proud though. Alison and the other girls in her troop put in a lot of hard work to finish their project, they deserved to get a little bit of recognition by the other leaders in the service unit.
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