Monday, May 5, 2014

Robin Update

We've been seeing lots of robins in the lawn eating the crumbs of the suet that fall to the ground when the woodpeckers and sparrows pick the blocks of suet in our suet feeders apart.  Then this past weekend as we were walking out the the garage Saturday morning, I noticed a robin sitting in the nest.  It flew away after a while, but came back soon after.  I noticed today that it is really, really fat now too, so I assume there will be some eggs laid very soon.  It's a good thing that the cats can't see it from the house, because they would be going nuts.  As it is, when it is in the grass eating suet, they sit on the table and just stare at it looking like they are ready to pounce.  It should thank it's lucky stars Samson and Phoebe are indoor cats.  Check back for more bird updates.