Saturday, June 28, 2014

Back to the Doctor

I had originally started a bunch of reports on Alison's condition and her struggle with getting better.  But since they all came so close together I am just combining them all into one.

Over last weekend, Alison spiked a fever that got as high as 103.8°.  It is something we have seen in the past and were worried that she had developed pneumonia again.  It is sort of a pattern that we have seen with Alison over the past few years where she will get a sore throat/strep throat and then it moves to her chest, and then bam, she's got pneumonia.  So first thing Monday morning we took her back to the doctor.  The doctor thought the original medicine she had prescribed wasn't working, so she ended up putting Alison on a different antibiotic.  She didn't hear any pneumonia in her lungs but she ordered a chest x-ray just to make sure.  So we went home with the new medicine and hopeful that it would clear things up. 

After a day and a half, Alison woke up with hives all over her body.  So back to the doctor we went.  It was an antibiotic she had been on previously, and it was actually helping to clean up her throat and the fever, but apparently she has now developed an allergy to it.  The doctor told us to stop that medicine and she was going to check with the ENT and see if he had any suggestions.  Her regular doctor was going to be back the next day so we got an appointment to see him and she was also going to call and update on Ali's condition and see if he had any thoughts prior to seeing him the next day. 

When we got there on Thursday her hives had pretty much cleared up.  She only had a few spots on her arms and legs, but the day before I would estimate about 80% of her body was covered with hives.  her doctor went over everything, checked her out, and everything looked like it was clearing up, so he switched her to another anitbiotic, and did another x-ray of her neck just to make sure he wasn't missing an abscess under the swelling in her throat.  But everything came back ok, so we just go the new medicine and a little more hydrocortisone cream just to help with those last few spots on her skin (she used an entire tube the day before). 

A day and a half later, her throat was back to normal and she was active and eating again.  So now we just need to finish out this course of antibiotics, and I think she'll be good as new.  Which is good because she has cheerleading and volleyball camp coming up in addition to the second week of girl scout camp.