Well not really problems per se. The last couple of times I have cut the grass I have come across broken eggs in the lawn. The first one I found looked like a robin's egg, and the second one, about a week later looked grey with black speckles on it. After some digging online, I determined it was a cardinal egg. And in addition to the cardinal egg, there were what appeared to be chunks of the next scattered about on the ground. They were clumps of grass and string, and even what looked like a couple of streamers of tinsel that were woven together.
I don't know who or what is raiding the bird nests around here, but I don't think it's the squirrels. We do have a lot of grackles and starlings eating the suet in the backyard, but I don't think they raid other bird's nests. I know sparrows are mean nasty birds that raid marten's nests; maybe they are the ones doing it? It's too bad, because I like the robins and cardinals much more than the other "rough" birds. Maybe I need to change the kind of seed and suet we put out for them. The only ting is that the woodpeckers really like the suet we have, and I like watching them eat (and so do the cats).
I think the nesting season is over now, so we don't need to worry much more about any of the nests in the trees being raided. But I hope that doesn't mean that the song birds will go away now too. It is much more calming hearing them than the squawk from those stupid grackles.
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