Sarah brought home the materials for an anatomy project that she is working on to end the semester. She and her partner are to sketch a picture of a human skeleton labeling every bone. She and her partner started out by tracing her partner on a sheet of paper and then they were going to draw the bones in the outline.
Sarah began drawing in bones, but since the sheet is a little over 6 feet long she had to have in on the floor to draw it. Samson began playing with the paper since it was making a crinkling noise and was just generally getting in the way. So I got up to shoo him away. Unfortunately, when I clapped my hands and shouted "HEY!", it spooked him to the point where he took off running. But since he was on a flat surface, his claws couldn't dig into anything, except Sarah's paper, which ended up ripping the paper in several places. That of course, lead to me being blamed for ruining her project.
Luckily, I was able to locate a store that carried a similar type of paper that she could use to trace out the old bone drawings and transfer to the new sheet. The bad part was that the store didn't open until 12:00, which meant that I had to miss the start of the Packers-Cowboys game. In fact, all the running around caused me to miss the entire first half. But at least the girls have the things they need for their schoolwork, which is more important than watching a football game.
Pics of the Skeleton Project if I can get them when it is complete.
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