Monday, January 26, 2015

The College Process

Apparently the college selection process has officially begun.  When I got home from work tonight, there was a stack of envelopes addressed to Sarah from a variety of small colleges.  I was sort of surprised because I didn't think she had put her name into any "pool" to receive literature from any schools.  Maybe it was because we went to the college fair last yer.

There weren't a lot of schools that Sarah was really interested.  Most were small, private colleges, though she did have literature from a couple of bigger name schools, like Drake, Ball State, and Bradley.  Those three actually had the major that Sarah was thinking about, but she also has said she wants to stay within Wisconsin.  So that will limit her choices significantly.  Who knows, maybe that will change somewhere down the road, but for now, it looks like she has already narrowed her choices.  So now we just need to look at what schools in state might have the major she wants and go take some campus tours.