Monday, September 19, 2016


Like I do every year, it was time to throw another coat of sealer on the driveway to try and get it to last another year before totally replacing it.  Luckily this year I didn't need to add in any pothole patch anywhere.  All I needed to do was fill a few cracks and scrape up the flaky parts of the sealer from the last couple of years and trowel on some filler in those spots. 

I had a little more than half a bucket left over from last year that I planned on using and then got another two new buckets.  unfortunately, when I opened the old bucket, the sealer was virtually unusable.  I even took my mixer for stirring up plaster and grout to try and mix it, but it was just too watery.  It looked a lot like what quicksand looks like in the movies, except that the little bits of sand were settled to the bottom of an oil mixture.  That was ok though, I just got another bucket of new sealer. 

I started around 9:00 and finished by around 12:30 or 1:00, which was a little longer than I was expecting.  But I took my time, and used mostly a hand squeegee to spread it in small sections to make sure it covered completely.  in the end, I still have about half of a five gallon bucket left over.  I'll watch for spot that might chip, or wear, before it gets too cold, but I think if I did a good job, I'll be fine for another winter.  And this time I didn't even have to worry about ruining a pair of shoes (they were my ratty, yardwork shoes anyway).  One of these years though, it is going to be inevitable that I will have to get the dumb thing replaced.  I am just hoping that it is later rather than sooner.