Saturday, October 1, 2016

Happy October

It's the first of October, the best month ever!  Unfortunately, it also means there is a ton of stuff to get done before the dropping of the leaves, first frost, etc.  I'm not looking forward to it at all, just knowing how long it takes to do things.  This year I am going to see if I can't fashion a custom cover for the basement window well that contains the dryer vent.  Every year I put a plastic cover over it, but when the dryer runs, the steam seems to come out of the sides, and up the side of the house, forming ice on the siding.  It worries me that moisture is getting under the siding as well.  I would like to make a cover that fits snuggly and channels the moisture for the dryer out the front of the window well instead of the back, and sides.  It also worries me that the moisture that pools in the window well itself is ruining the wood of the window.  At the very least the paint.  It is the original, single pane window that was in the house when we moved in, so maybe it's time to replace it?  Time is getting short and I need to get something done pretty quickly before it gets too cold outside.