Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Fence Posts

With the weather beginning to warm up, I was out in the backyard picking up downed, dead branches that had broken off from the trees over the winter. In doing so, I noticed something. The fence posts along the back lot line are beginning to shift. The posts on the side lot line have moved slightly, but they are still pretty straight even after 10 years. The back posts are only 4 or 5 years old and are starting to tilt back toward the yard behind us. I suppose it would make sense based on the guy’s yard, since it is under water a good part of the year (I kid, but only slightly). Since I am 6-8 inches (estimated) above the guy behind me, there is more support for the posts on my side of the lot line. Not all of them are tilting, and some are worse than others. I really hope I can fix them, I would like to think that they should be able to be straightened. Once the ground actually thaws, I’ll have to go back and take a good look at the posts and see if there is anything that I can do to pull them back to vertical.