Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Well That Stinks

No seriously, it stinks! I am talking about the air outside. A few months ago, the landfill opened up a new section to filling/dumping garbage. Even though it is four miles away, it is a pretty rancid smell from time to time. I don’t know why it would be any smellier than normal since the landfill has been there for the entire time we have lived in the Falls and it has never been as bad as it has been lately. It seems like every other day we are catching wind of the landfill. I have a theory though. The new section that has been opened is right next to Brown Deer Rd/Main St.. Because of all the traffic on that road, the vehicles do a lot to pull that air over the new garbage along as they drive by. So because of that the smells whaft over in our direction much more than they normally would. Just something we have to live with I guess until they move on to a different area.