Thursday, May 18, 2017

Buzzed By A Robin

Today when I left for work, the robin wasn’t in its nest.  I also didn’t see it there when I got home.  I was wondering if maybe the eggs didn’t hatch, or something got in the nest and stole the eggs.  I had read somewhere that robins will know either when an egg isn’t viable or isn’t going to hatch.  They will then actually will pick it up and drop it on the ground away from the nest.  I think that is what happened the last time we had a robin build a nest there. 

So when we got back from running errands I thought, why don’t I get out the step stool and climb up to see if the eggs are gone.  I no sooner had unfolded the stool and was taking my first step up when the robin came zipping by my head with a whoosh.  I could hear the flapping wings as it flew past about 4 or 5 inches from my ear.  So I guess it is still here.  I wasn’t even close to the nest, I was climbing up about six or seven feet away, just enough so I could peer over the edge of the nest to see what was in there. 

It’s good to know that if the robin is still there, then the eggs are most likely still there as well.  I’ll have to keep an eye on them, because it has been there for a couple of weeks now, which means that it is almost time for those eggs to hatch.  If I can get back up there without disturbing it, I’ll try and take some pictures.