Monday, May 1, 2017

Looking For Storage

I made the decision after last weekend’s visit to LaCrosse that I am going to look for a storage unit for Sarah’s stuff until she can get back up to her new apartment to move things in.  The only problem is that with it being less than two weeks until Sarah moves out of the dorm, the pickings are a little slim.  I found out on Saturday that lots of places have no open units since a lot of students will store their things there for the summer.  I called around on Monday and found one place that had one unit open and was very reasonable price-wise, except that Sarah would have had to call him, go meet him to look things over, sign papers, etc.  When I asked if she could find someone to drive her to meet the guy, she had a bit of what I would call a meltdown.  At the very least it was a “just leave me alone” type message.  So I guess I’ll have to handle it myself from the Falls.

One place I called was full up, two other places never got back to me, One place that did get back to me told me they have two openings, and they are lockers that are bigger than what we would need, and they are a little more expensive than I was looking for.  I am holding out for one more place to get back to me, but if I don’t hear anything, I guess I’ll need to go with the one pace that did get back to me.  With any luck they will pro-rate it for the days we don’t NEED it, and then since Sarah can pick up her keys on June 1st, maybe we can go up the weekend after and move the things out so we only end up paying for one month instead of two.