Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Missing Pictures

In cleaning up things on my laptop, I have noticed something.  I am missing any pictures from between Christmas of 2015 and around June 2016.  Granted, I don’t think that there were many pictures that were taken over than time period, and more and more Kris and the girls are taking pictures on their phones, but there should be a few at least.  And I can find NONE!  When I got my new laptop, I had gone back and transferred a ton of pictures onto flash drives for storage, and I have noticed I am missing one in my flash drive wallet.  I would be willing to bet that is where they all are.  Unfortunately, I cannot find it.  I know what it looks like, because I bought a three pack about a year ago, 8GB and red in color and I can only locate two of them.  The problem is that they are so small, so I suspect it got put someplace and forgotten.  So now I have to go scour thru storage locations of computer things to see if I can find it.  This is the one thing that stinks about digital copies of photos, they are easy to lose!