Sunday, September 24, 2017

Finished In The Dark

I started sealing the driveway around 4:00 and I figured it would take me three hours to get everything spread.  Well I wasn’t too far off.  The only problem was that the sun goes down at around 6:45 and that meant finishing spreading tar in the dark.  It really wasn’t all that bad, though.  By the time I was in the dark, I only had about 8 feet left of driveway to go.  I finished with a flashlight in my mouth while I was spreading tar.  I had asked Alison to come out and help me by holding it, but I got attitude so I just did it myself.

It wouldn’t have been all that bad, but cleaning up got to be a bit of a challenge.  I ended up stepping in a spot of wet tar that I hadn’t spread yet because I didn’t see it.  Then, when I was finally finished and spraying off the squeegee in the road, a little kid from down the road came cruising up the sidewalk on a motorized scooter.  I saw him coming and tried to tell him to watch out for the hose I had stretched across the sidewalk.  He either didn’t hear me, or just didn’t listen.  He rode over the hose, and then up into the wet tar on the driveway.  I didn’t know about it until the next day when I woke up, looked out the window, and saw black tire tracks going all the way up the neighbor’s sidewalk toward the corner.