Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Yellow Jacket Extermination

I have finally had enough with spraying hornet killer under the siding and still seeing yellow jackets buzzing about and crawling into the crack.  I have been waiting to fill the crack with expandable foam until all the yellow jackets were dead, but that just isn’t happening quickly enough.  So, being the engineer that I am, I devised a plan.

I determined that the reason that there are still yellow jackets flying in and out is that the actual nest must be deep inside the brick/under the siding; deep enough that the spray isn’t getting in far enough to kill them.  Even though the stuff says that spraying an opening will result in the workers bringing it back into the nest.  So I thought the best thing to do would be to get a directional tube to stick in the crack, like those thin tubes for spraying/directing WD-40.  Except that the wasp & hornet killer did not have that tiny of an opening that I could use one of those.  What I managed to find was a length of flexible fuel line that had a .060” opening.  It fit perfectly on the tip of the spray nozzle.  So I cut about two feet worth and stuck it down into the crack and sprayed away.  It looked like one of those fix-a-flat cans with foam funneling in to the opening.  It took about 5-10 seconds worth of spraying before the foam started to come back out of the opening, which would also correspond to my theory.  So that should have gotten far enough inside to kill them.  I waited of a little while and then gave it another shot, so wherever that crack lead, either into the hollow opening of a cinder block, or up into a void in the wall, everything should be dead now.  So all that is left to do is wait for a day or two to make sure nothing is flying in and out and then spray the expandable crack filler in there to seal it up.  RIP yellow jackets!