Since we got the new iPad, I haven’t had much time to sit and figure it out. But now that we are home from Ali’s Nationals I have a little time to look into getting it set up and working, and boy it is different than a normal windows O/S. First, I was under the assumption that I could get a detachable keyboard and treat it like a laptop. WRONG! What I have found out is that an iPad will not serve 100% as a replacement for a desktop computer, but more as a supplement. Or maybe the desktop serves as the supplement to the iPad. Either way, it doesn’t look as if the iPad can be a stand alone replacement for the old desktop computer. That is revelation number one.
Second, I discovered that linking, or syncing, to Kris’s existing iTunes account basically transfers everything from her phone to the iPad. So now when messages come to her, or she gets email on her phone, it also shows up on the iPad. Which means I need to look into how to shut off notifications. I am beginning to wonder if getting an iPad was a good idea.
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