You read that correctly, a possum. Tonight as I was about to run a bag of garbage out to the garage, I opened the back door, and I was about to step outside, when I saw a slow, lumbering body of what I believe was a possum, right under the door on the stoop. It was moving to my right, toward the driveway. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I would have stepped right on its back.
I say that it looked like a possum, because I didn’t get a real good look at it. It was grey and white, and about what I would consider to be “normal size” for a possum you would see waddling about on the ground, But it didn’t have the nasty, scraggly fur. At least it didn’t appear to be furry. It looked to me to be almost bald, or have VERY short hair. Either way, it walked right off the stoop and down the step. I didn’t see if it went across the driveway toward the neighbor’s house, or if it hugged the side of our house and turned the corner toward the street. Either way… good riddance! I hate possums!
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