Monday, April 9, 2018

A Wasted Weekend

April is here and that means it is springtime, and time to get outside and start cleaning up from the winter.  Things like picking up sticks and chunks of bark that fell off of the trees over the winter, raking the grass, laying down new mulch all need to get done.  I also I really need to try and fix my fence before it gets much worse.  The best time is obviously the weekend, when I have 8-10 hours to spend outside. 

Unfortunately, this weekend was a complete bust.  It rained Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Normally, I wouldn’t mind all the much and just take it as a weekend to spend inside and relax.  But with the plans to update the kitchen this summer, and get prepared for that, I really need to take care of a few things outside as soon as I can.  Usually, by the second week of April the lawns have been raked and I am spreading some new seed and fertilizer.  I am going to be lucky to get that done by May this year!